• +049999999999
  • dmeldrum@bigpond.net.au



“Our charity Safeheart Foundation is a Bullying and Domestic Abuse education and prevention Charity. All research shows that men are major influencers in this arena. Children who have involved positive male role models tend not to be bullies or get bullied, for children without a positive male role model the opposite is true. 
Domestic Violence and abuse is mainly perpetrated by men. Men need to be educated on how to be true gentlemen again. Mainly due to the fact that we now have up to three generations of Ausralians who have grown up without positive involved male role models.
In addition to this, there are 8 suicides in Australia every day, 6 are male. 
Amongst teenagers 80% of all teen suicides and attempted teen suicides (over 70,000 per year) are a direct result of bullying. If we can stop bullying we stop youth suicide, and mental health issues will decline.

So we as a charity focus on ground zero, MEN. We work with men to encourage them to become the best they can be holistically whilst offering our services for students, parents and the broader community as well on these topics”

The Resistance – Book Your Place NOW

The Resistance Men’s event is an annual gathering to build men of Courage, Character and Conviction. We do life together and encourage each other. Mental health and suicide is a huge issue with men and we tackle it head on by encouraging men to grow holistically. This includes growing in the following areas, socially, relationally, physical health and well-being, mental health and well being, financial health and spiritual health and well-being. A good man is a whole man. We don’t expect perfection, but we strive for excellence. 

“The Fellowship & Testimonials shared during the 2020 Resistance were inspiring and uplifting. 2021 and beyond is only going to get better. Get on board and let’s become the fathers, sons, husbands, and brothers God intended us to be. “ — Reuben

The Resistance – Book Your Place NOW

The Blood Brothers arm of Safeheart Foundation is the men’s operations and activities division of the Charity. We create regular events, annual gatherings and produce resources to help men be better fathers, Husbands, employers, employees and friends. Research shows that when men are developing themselves to be the best version of themselves instances of DV, family abuse, student truancy, bullying, youth anxiety, depression and suicide, family disruption, all decline, Children’s rates of obesity, use of drugs and alcohol and instances of promiscuous activity leading to increased STI’s all decreases. When men are positively; involved and growing in character and integrity,  family cohesion, children’s academic performance, children’s involvement in extra curricular activities, physical health of children and women, mental health of children and women all improve dramatically.  Men are influencers, Blood Brothers aims to be a positive influence on Men.